To speak with a licensed agent, call (405) 245-9173 (TTY 711 M-F, 9am-5pm) or email

Eric H.

Posted by Greg Dellinger
Estimated Reading Time 16 seconds

My wife told me she writing a review for Priority Medicare Solutions. I decided to write a review myself, because of the excellent service I’ve received. When my insurance carrier denied a legitimate hospital expense, Greg intervened and got the hospital and insurance to talk to each other. The problem was resolved, much to my relief. I would recommend Priority Medicare Solutions to anybody.

Greg Dellinger
Priority Medicare Solutions //

Thinking about turning 65 should be a time in life that we look forward to, not dread. There are many rites of passage that mark our retirement years, however, struggling to gain a foothold in the world of Medicare shouldn’t be one of them. I started Priority Medicare Solutions to simplify the complexities of Medicare Health Insurance because too often we’re overwhelmed with outside sources that make it confusing and complicated.

At Priority Medicare Solutions, we put our clients first, and in doing so give them an understanding of not just what they want, but most importantly what they need. This discovery normally happens through an easy conversation with a few easy questions. After all, your healthcare should always compliment your retirement years with success and peace of mind. Which is why Priority Medicare Solutions isn’t about telling our story, it’s about listening to yours.

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Local Medicare Help Now

Local, licensed professionals are available to answer all of your questions. Call (405) 245-9173 or complete the form below and we’d be happy to reach out to you.

      By submitting this information, you acknowledge a licensed insurance agent, Greg Dellinger, may contact you by phone, email, or mail to discuss Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Supplement Insurance, or Prescription Drug Plans.

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